Today I decided to make a trip out just to get some of the deals. We're pretty stocked up on our regular grocery items, so today was just to get things I could get at a great price. I decided before I left that I was going to work hard to keep my out of pocket cash to $5 or under. Well did I do it? Let's see!
1st Stop: CVS (I actually visited 2 different CVS's but I'll lump the two together here)
*2 Lamisil Foot Sprays @ 5.79 each = 11.58. I used two 4.00 off 1 coupons from the 7/20 Smartsource insert, plus I earned $10 in ECB's for this deal
*1 Alavert @ 5.99. I used the 4.00 off 1 coupon found
here, plus I earned $3 ECB's for this deal.
* 2 Fleet Children's Enemas @ 2.19 each = 4.38. I earned $4 ECB's for those.
* 1 CVS 120ct aspirin @ .99. I used my coupon for a free CVS product on the bottom of the receipt
*4 bags of Dove Chocolates @ 3.00 each = 12.00. I used four 1.50 off 1 coupons from the 5/11 Redplum insert, plus I earned $5 ECB's for that deal.
*1 SkinEffects Facial Scrub (not pictured, it fell out in the car!) @ 6.99. I used a 2.00 off 1 coupon from a stack of coupons I found sitting out at my CVS. I believe these are also in the Beauty Handbook in the store. I earned $5 ECB's for that deal.
*1 3 pack of Rolaids @ 2.49. I used one 1.50 off 1 coupon from my receipt plus a 1.00 off 1 coupon from the 6/22 Redplum insert.
*1 Maalox Childrens Tablets Clearanced at 3.00. I used one 1.00 off 1 coupon from my receipt and a 2.00 off 1 coupon from the 6/1 Smartsource insert.
*1 Cortisone Cream @ 3.99
*1 pack of Reese's cups @ .79 (filler item)
I used two $2 off $10 coupons found
here (either scroll down to page 30, or just type it into the little page number box at the top and then print it)
Product Total = 52.20
Coupon Total = 26.49
ECB's Used Total = 24.50
Cash Used Total = 1.68Total Money Out (ECB's + Cash) = 26.18
ECB's Earned = 27.00
2nd Stop: Staples
*2 bottles of Elmers glue @ 0 each
*2 packs of filler paper @ .09 each = .18
Paid total of .20 after tax3rd Stop: Walgreens
*16 packs of Bic pens @ .50 each = 8.00
I used eight 1.00 off 2 coupons from the 8/3 Smartsource insert.
I paid .52 for tax.
4th Stop: Meijer
*2 French's Mustards @ 1.00 each = 2.00.
*2 Frank's Red Hot Sauce @ 1.00 each = 2.00. I used the coupons found
here for the mustard and hot sauce for a total savings of 4.00.
*3 Boxes of Wheat Thins @ 3.50 each = 10.50. I used three free Wheat Thins when you buy three other Kraft/Nabisco Products.
*12 packs of Kool-Aids @ .10 each = 1.20
*10 cans of Mighty Dog @ .50 each = 5.00. I used 10 get a free can coupons from the 8/10 Smartsource insert.
*4 cans of Campbell's soup @ .50 each = 2.00.
*3 4pks of DanActive Yogurt. 2 clearanced @ .68 each and 1 clearanced @ .38. I used three .50 off 1 coupons from the 7/20 Smartsource insert.
*3 packs of Hanes socks @ 3.99 each = 11.97. I got 3.34 off each pack for buying the Wheat Thins.
*6 Johnson's Buddies Soaps @ .99 each = 5.94. I used a raincheck from last week to get them buy 2 get 1 free. Plus I used two of the 2.00 off 2 coupon found
*3 Pert Shampoos. I used rainchecks to get them for 2.99 each = 8.97. I used three 3.00 off 1 coupons from the 8/3 Smartsource insert.
*1 package of Oscar Mayer hotdogs @ 3.19. I used the free hotdog when you buy 3 other Kraft/Nabisco products coupon.
I used a $5 off your next order coupon from last week
Product Total = 52.53
Meijer Hanes Deal = -10.02
Coupon Total = 42.43
Cash Used Total = 1.37 (includes tax)For a grand total of cash used of only $3.77!! I still have 1.23 to spare!! Wow, the Lord is so good to me!! What about you, have you had a great deal you'd like to share? You can leave a link in the comments section and we'll come see your deal as well!!!