Let me tell ya, on trick or treat night, the stores are empty!!! We stopped by Target and Meijer after we did one hour of the two hour trick or treat time and found both stores eerily quiet!! But alas, at Meijer we got a few more deals before the week was over. Here's what we got (I did one order and my husband did another):
*2 Steamfresh Frozen Vegetables. We used one 1.00 off 2 Meijer Frozen Food Insert Coupon and two .35 off 1 paper coupons.
*2 Taco Bell Salsas. We used two 1.50 off 1 Meijer Mealbox Coupons
*4 Jell-O Boxes (I forgot my coupons for these, but they're still worth it with the catalina deal)
*2 Fleischman's 3pk yeast packs. We used two .45 off 1 coupons.
*2 Velveeta Shells and Cheese. We used one 2.00 off 2 Meijer Mealbox Coupon.
*3 Johnson's Buddies Soaps. We used one 3.00 off 3 coupon.
*2 Aunt Millie's Whole Grain Muffins. We used two .50 off 1 coupons.
*2 Breyers Ice Creams. We used one 1.00 off 2 Meijer Frozen Food Insert Coupon and two .50 off 1 coupons. (these are not pictured as they are refreezing as I type!)
*2 jars of Cinnamon.
Plus we used a total of 5.50 in Catalinas from previous orders. My husband paid 1.03 for his order and I paid 2.63 for a total of only 3.66!! And if that wasn't good enough, we got back another 5.00 in Catalina's, a 3.00 off 3 Johnson's coupon and a 4.00 off 20.00 in general merchandise coupon (good for Christmas presents!!)
Just to recap, because I was pretty proud of this one!! We paid 3.66 and got back 5.00!! We came out ahead 1.34 and brought home all these products!! Now that's what I'm talking about!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Meijer - Our Shopping Trip - 10/31
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Fall Family Fun Day - An Update
Here's my pie. It turned out very delicious!! I used the recipe on the back of the can of pumpkin from Aldi's. It was
1 15oz can of pumpkin
2 eggs slightly beaten
1 cup of brown sugar (it says you can use white sugar if you want to)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 tsps cinnamon
1 can evaporated milk (12oz)
1 9-in unbaked pie crust
You just mix all the ingredients and pour into the unbaked crust. Bake at 425 for 15 and then at 350 for 45 minutes. It really was delicious. We all enjoyed it!!
Overall it was a very nice day. We did all of our "scheduled" activities and enjoyed some yummy food. I would definitely recommend a day like this when life is just crazy and you want to take time to be with the ones you love. It's so worth the $20 bucks!!
Yay, I got all three of my posts done tonight!! If you haven't seen the other two yet, just keep scrolling down!!!

Kmart - Double Dollar Days Until Nov. 1st

My Aunt Tricia emailed me to tell me that the Kmart in Springboro was participating in the Double Dollar Coupons Event. They are doubling coupons up to and including 2.00!!!! Here's a few rules I saw today when I was there:
1. If your item is priced under 4.00, you will only get the value of the item off, no overage.
2. You can only use 4 like coupons in any order.
3. You can only use 75 coupons in any order.
4. It runs until November 1st
My total today was $99 before coupons and $26 after (and I got a 3.69 toy for my son!!). Here's some of the deals I got:
- Oust Air Spray - free after coupon
- Dove Shampoos and Conditioners - free after coupon
- Lifesaver Gummi Savers - free after coupon
- Johnson & Johnson First Aid Gauze Pads - free after coupon
- Pepcid 8ct - .99 after coupon
- Resolve Carpet Cleaner - .99 after coupon
- Sunmaid 6pk raisins - .67 after coupon
- Welch's Grape Juice - 1.33 after coupon
- Hunt's Snack Packs - .25 after coupon
- Colgate Kids Toothpaste - .49 after coupon
- Purina Busy Bone Mini dog treats - .49 after coupon
- Glade Fabric and Air Spray - .79 after coupon
If I had more time I probably would've found more, but I spent an hour and half looking for these!!! And I just have to say that in the past I have been pretty disappointed in the condition and stock of most Kmart's I've been into, but this one was pleasantly stocked and looked very nice. I'll definitely stop by there again!!
It's located right off I-75, I think it's exit 39 (rt 73). Other stores may be participating, so you can call and ask, but I know this one is!!

Target - Glade Scented Oil Warmers

You can also buy the Plug-In Refills @ 2.50 and use the buy one get one free coupon from the 9/28 Smartsource insert to pay 5.00 for 4 and 3.59 for the magazine for a total of 8.59 and then get back a 5.00 gift card.
Three tips:
1. Inside the warmer packages are more 2.00 off 1 coupons. So you could do this deal again if you wanted to using those coupons.
2. The cashier rang up the 4 warmers and before she rang up the magazine, it prompted her to ring up the gift card. So eventhough the sign said I had to buy all 5 products to get it, it appears that you need only to buy the 4 warmers!!! I went ahead and bought the magazine today. It's up to you to try, I can only let you know what happened today when I went through!!
3. If you do buy the In Style Magazine, there is a 1.00 off 1 Glade air product Target coupon in there that you could use on another order if you choose to do another order. Because it's a Target coupon you can combine it with a manufacturer coupon.

Stay Tuned - More Deals to Come!!

I've been tagged - 3 times!!
Here's the official rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share seven facts about yourself.
3. Tag seven people, listing the links to their blogs.
4. Let the seven people know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Ok, so next is seven facts about me:
1. I went to Spain with a group from my high school. It was lots of fun!!! We visited Madrid, Seville, Toledo, the Mediterranean Coast, the Alhambra, the Royal Palace and even took a one day excursion to Morocco where I ate camel-kabobs (didn't know it at the time, I thought it was beef!).
2. I've lived all of my almost 30 years in Ohio, except for 3 and 1/2 years which were spent in the foreign land of Texas!!
3. My family and I travel to Walt Disney World at least once a year (10 times since November 2002) and have also visited Disneyland twice in that time!!
4. I worked for seven years at McDonald's!! I started when I was 14, took a year off around 18, and then came back and worked until I was 21!!
5. My favorite foods are Olive Garden's Chicken Alfredo and Outback Steakhouse's Victoria's Filet with a Baked Sweet Potato. When I'm being cheap I love me some Hamburger Helper (my family hates it though!!) or Campbell's Potato Soup!!
6. I love the fall!! I decorated the main living areas in my home to the colors of fall. We have golden yellow walls, red stained hardwood floors, copper colored cabinets in our kitchen, sage green sofas and rugs and curtains with all the colors combined. I love the warmth those colors generate. I also love anything to do with pumpkins!!
7. I love to scrapbook. I haven't done it much lately because I've kind of replaced the time I used for it with my couponing, but I'm hoping to get some going soon. I was a Creative Memories consultant for a few years and mainly did it to get discounts on my own products!! I love their products. Hopefully I'll get caught up in my lifetime!!
Ok, now I tag:
1. Amy W. @ AmytheCouponQueen - NeverPayFullPrice!
2. FrugalDr.Mom
3. Marcy @ StretchingaBuck
4. Catherine @ CatherineWheels
5. SavingSisters
6. Andrea @ MommySnacks
7. GlimpseofSonshine
Ok, now I'm off to leave my comments. I hope I did it right!! Thanks to those who tagged me, I appreciate being thought of!!

Monday, October 27, 2008
Meijer & Kroger - Deals for the Week of 10/26
If you buy 3 Jell-O's which are on sale for .50 each, you can use the 1.50 off 2 coupon from Meijer Mealbox (they may or may not adjust the coupon down to 1.00 because that's what the actual price for two is) so you'll pay either .50 of 0 and then you'll get a 2.00 catalina (coupon that prints at the register for use on your next order). So you'll be ahead either 1.50 or 2.00!!
Fleischman's 3-pk yeasts are on sale for .95. Use the .45 off 1 coupon from the 10/5 Smartsource insert to pay only .05 each. And then you'll get a catalina for .50 off your next order, so you'll be ahead .45!!!
Birds Eye Steam Fresh Frozen Vegetables are 1.33 each. Use the 1.00 off 2 Meijer coupon in the Frozen Food Insert found at the front of the store plus use two .35 off 1 coupons from the 10/12 Smartsource insert to pay .26 for two (.13 each)!!
Breyer's Ice Cream is 2.50. Use the 1.00 off 2 Meijer coupon in the frozen food insert and use two .50 off 1 coupons from the 10/26 Redplum insert to pay 2.00 for two (1.00 each!).
So if you bought 3 Jell-O's, 1 yeast strip, 2 veggies and 2 ice creams, you'll pay 2.31 (or 2.81 if they only take off 1.00 for the Jell-O's) and get back 2.50 in Catalina's!!!
Tyson Frozen Chicken Nuggets are 2.50. Use the .55 off 1 coupons from several different inserts and pay only 1.50.
Quaker Instant Oatmeal is 2.49. Use the .50 off 1 coupon from the 9/7 Redplum to pay only 1.49 each.
Purex Laundry Detergent is 1.99. Use the .50 off 1 coupon from the 8/10 Smartsource inserts to pay only .99!!
Halls Cough Drops are 1.00. Use the .50 off 1 coupon from the 10/26 Smartsource to get them free!!!
Sunmaid 6pk raisins are 1.50. Use the 1.00 off 2 coupon from the 10/5 Redplum insert to pay 2.00 for two (1.00 each).
Purell 2oz Hand Sanitizers are 1.00. Use the .60 off 1 coupon from the 7/27 Smartsource insert to get them free!!
Betty Crocker Frosting is 1.50. Use the .50 off 1 coupon from the 10/19 Smartsource insert to pay .50. Plus you can load a .55 off 1 coupon at Shortcuts.com to get one for free plus .05 overage!
Celestial Seasonings Tea is still 1.00. Use the 1.00 off 1 coupon from the 10/5 Smartsource insert to get those free!!
Those are the best deals I found today! I hope it helps and you have a great shopping week!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
$20 = Fall Family Fun Day!!
Meijer - A Few More Deals for This Week 10/19 - 10/25

Snyders of Hanover Tortilla Chips are buy one get one free. They are priced at 2.89. Plus most of the bags I saw had a coupon stuck to them for a free Soda (up to 1.00) when you buy 2. So I got two bags of chips and one 2-liter of soda for 2.89 total.
Goodlife Recipe 4lb Dog Food is priced at 4.19. I used 2.00 off 1 coupons from the 8/24 Redplum insert and paid only 2.19 each.
Carnation Evaporated Milk is .99. I used .50 off 2 coupons from the 9/14 Redplum insert and paid .49 each. These will come in handy with my .79 cans of pumpkin from Aldi's for some yummy (and cheap!!) pies!!
I did the Buddies Soap deal which has been around for awhile, but I finally did it!! I got 3 Buddies soaps @ 1.09 each. I used the 3.00 off 3 coupon from the 9/14 Smartsource insert and paid .27 total and then got a Catalina (coupon that prints at the register) for 3.00 off 3 more Johnson products. So I can use that to do the deal again!
Gum Kids Toothbrushes 2 pack (themed on Crayola and really cute!!) are priced at 1.43 and 1.57. I used the .75 off any 1 Gum toothbrush from the 8/3 Redplum insert and paid .43 or .57 each. I usually get great deals on adult toothbrushes at CVS or Walgreens, but rarely for kids toothbrushes, so I got a few packs of these.
I also saw that Oral-B adult toothbrushes are 1.47 and if you use the .75 off 1 coupon from a recent P&G insert to pay only .47 for those. I didn't get those because I have tons of adult toothbrushes right now that I've gotten free, so I left my 2 coupons there for someone else to use!!
Well that's the deals I found today! I hope everyone has a great day!! Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, October 20, 2008
My Shopping Trip - 10/20 (Kroger, CVS, Walgreens, Meijer)
I got 8 Nesquick Milks. Sale Price 1.00. I used .50 off 1 coupons. Paid 0
5 Celestial Seasonings Teas. Sale Price 1.00. Used 1.00 off 1 coupons. Paid 0
4 Brut Deodorants. Sale Price 1.00. Used .50 off 1 coupons. Paid 0
1 Febreze Noticeable Starter Kit. Sale Price 6.89. Used 5.00 off 1 paper coupon and 5.00 off 1 loadable coupon. Paid 0, got 3.11 in overage.
2 Tennessee Pride Sausage Rolls. Sale Price 2.00. Used .50 off 1 coupons. Paid 1.00 each.
2 Green Giant Frozen Vegetables. Sale Price 1.00. Used .50 off 2 paper coupon and .50 off 2 loadable coupon. Paid .25 each.
8 Cans of Campbell's Kids Soups. Sale Price 1.00. Used .40 off 2 coupons. Paid .60 each.
1 2lb Velveeta. Paid 4.48. (I need it for a recipe I want to try!)
I paid around 7.xx.
For some reason (ok I really know, it's because it's WALGREENS, when will I ever learn that Walgreens is just too difficult for me!!), not all of my deals worked. I didn't realize it until later and I'm just too tired to worry about it at this point. Oh well. Here's what I got:
6 Boxes of Aunt Millies Muffins. Priced at 2.00 (they raised the price from 1.50 boo-hoo!!). Used .50 off 1 coupons. Paid 1.00 each.
2 Smuckers Uncrustables. Priced at 1.49 each. I used 1.00 off 2 coupon found in Meijer insert at the store and two .55 off 1 coupons. Paid 0!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Meijer - Glade Scented Oil Warmers

Monday, October 13, 2008
An Explanation and a Few Kroger & Meijer Deals
Unfortunately, I won't be doing as many posts as I used to do. I just simply can't keep up with all the deals and all the other responsibilities I have at home. If I go a day or two without posting something, I feel really bad and I just can't keep feeling that way. I know it's my own fault for these feelings, but alas, I can't seem to help it.
After our vacation, I knew I was going to have to either cut back or let it go altogether and my decision at this point is to make a huge cut back. I get excited when I find those great deals (think freebies or nearly free) and truly want to share those with all of you and so that's what I intend to keep doing. It will most likely just be Kroger and Meijer deals that I post, because CVS and Walgreens deals are plentiful on the web.
Perhaps I'm really slow at it, but the big Kroger, Meijer and CVS posts that I usually do take at least an hour to do each. And while 3 hours a week may not seem like a lot, for some reason, it is just really hard for me to accomplish. So if you're about to head out to the store and want to make sure you don't miss a huge deal, then check here before going out and hopefully I'll have what you need. Otherwise, hotcouponworld is a great place to find all the everyday regular deals.
I hope you understand. After lots of prayer and consideration, it has just become clear to me that I can't do all that I've "signed up" to do at this point and some things need to be cut back so that the really important things can have my most and best attention. Thanks to all of you, I truly appreciate each and every reader out there!!
So anyway, here's some awesome deals I found this morning at Kroger and Meijer:
Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers Frozen Vegetables are on sale for 1.00. Use the 1.00 off 1 coupon from the 10/5 General Mills insert (they were also in another insert, but I can't find the date of it right now) to get them free!!!
Hillshire Farms Smoked Sausage and Links are on sale for 1.39. Use the 1.00 off 2 smoked sausage to get two packs for 1.78 (.89 each) or use the .55 off 1 links coupon to get them for .39 each (after coupon doubles)!!! Both coupons are from the 10/5 Redplum insert. That is just an awesome price for those, I stocked up today and Meijer still had tons of them for all of you!!
Orville Redenbacher popcorn is half price making it 1.59. Use the 1.00 off 1 Naturals variety from the 9/21 Smartsource to get that for .59 or use the .40 off 1 coupon from the 10/12 insert to get the regular varieties for .79 each.
Muir Glen Tomato Pastes are on sale for .75. Use the .75 off 1 coupon from the 9/28 Smartsource insert to get it free!!!
Tennessee Pride Rolled Sausage is 2.00. Use the .55 off 1 coupon from the 9/7 Redplum insert to get them for 1.00 each!!
I found clearanced Cascadian Farms frozen vegetables in a bin by the meat department priced at .99. I used the 1.00 off 1 coupon from the 8/24 Smartsource insert to get them free!!! There were lots of them left. They also had other brands of organic frozens on clearance as well. This was at the Maineville Kroger on 48.
Those are the awesome deals I found today. Thanks for being so understanding. If I find more of those great deals, I'll post them, otherwise check the comments section for reader found deals and have a great week!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Kroger - Deals for Week of 10/6

Bananas @ .48 a lb. Most other places are and have been .59 for a while.
Suave Shampoos and Conditioners are .88. Use the buy 2 products and get 1.00 off coupon from the 9/21 Redplum insert to pay .76 for two (.38 each).
Hunt's Tomato Products are .75. Use three .40 off 2 coupons from the 9/21 Smartsource insert, and load the 1.00 off 5 coupon from Shortcuts.com to pay 1.10 for six products (.18 each).
Progresso Soups are priced @ 1.25 each. Use the .50 off 2 coupon from the 9/7 or 10/5 General Mills inserts, plus load the .50 off 2 coupon at Shortcuts.com to pay 1.00 for two cans (.50 each).
Pantene Hair Products are priced @ 3.33 each. Load the buy one shampoo get one styler free coupon at the P&G loading site plus use two 1.00 off 1 coupons from the 9/28 P&G insert to pay a total of 1.33 for two products (.67 each).
Those are the best deals I see for Kroger this week, please share with us any deals you find as well!!

Monday, October 6, 2008
Meijer - Free Dixie Napkins

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Meijer - Deals for Week of 10/5

Meijer is having a huge Meijer brand sale this week, and other than that, I really don't see much else to post about. There's a few good deals within the Meijer brand that I'll probably pick up including:
- Canned Vegetables @ 3 for $1
- Milk @ 2.50 a gallon
- 1/4 peck of Apples for 2.49 (appx. 3 1/2 - 3 3/4 lbs) which comes out to close to .75 a lb.
Those are really the best deals I see for Meijer this week. Not a lot, but a good opportunity to stock up on veggies!! And maybe even make some great apple recipes!! With the prices going up as they are, I'm thankful for every deal I'm offered!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Kroger - Martha White Muffin & Cornbread Mixes

Martha White Muffin Mixes are on sale at Kroger this week for 1.00. Use the .55 off 2 coupon from the 8/24 Redplum insert to get two mixes for 1.00 (.50 each). I also saw that the Cornbread Mixes are regularly priced at .79. Using the same coupon you can get two mixes for .58 (.29 each)!!
I love making these up the night before for a quick breakfast or yummy snack for the day!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Walgreens - $5 off $20 Coupon

Andrea @ MommySnacks has posted the deals for this week here and the deals for October here which I'm sure would make for some great finds with this new coupon!!
Kroger - A Few Deals for This Week - 9/29

Select Hunt's Tomato Products are .75 each. (What's with the Hunt's deals this week at both Kroger and Meijer!!). Use the .40 off 2 coupon from the 9/21 Smartsource insert to get two products for .70 total (.35 each). Plus there is a loadable coupon at Shortcuts.com for 1.00 off 5 Hunt's products.
So buy 6 products @ .75 each = 4.50
Use three .40 off 2 coupons (each doubled to .80) = -2.40
Get 1.00 off from the loadable coupon = -1.00
Pay only 1.10 for 6 cans which is .18 each!
Small Suave Deodorants are regularly priced at 1.19. Use the .50 off 1 coupon from the 9/21 Redplum insert to pay only .19 each.
Certain frozen Cascadian Farm Organic Vegetables are 2.00 (edamame, peas and squash). Use the 1.00 off 1 coupon from the 8/24 Smartsource insert to pay only 1.00.
That's what I found tonight, I hope that helps your shopping this week!!

Meijer - A Few Deals For This Week - 9/28

Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta is on sale for .99. Use the 1.00 off 1 coupon (it will automatically adjust down to .99) from the 8/24 Smartsource insert to get it free!!
Hunt's Canned Tomato Products are all on sale. There is a .40 off 2 coupon you can use from the 9/21 Smartsource to make this a great deal. I got cans of tomato sauce (the bigger cans) for .32 each after coupon and cans of diced tomatoes for .42 each after coupon. Note: the small cans of tomato sauce and paste won't work with the coupon because they have to be 11oz.
Mott's Apple Juice is 1.89. Use the 1.00 off 2 coupon from the 8/10 Smartsource insert to get two for 2.78 (1.39 each).
Aunt Millie's Whole Grain Muffins are still priced at 1.50 and I used the .50 off 1 coupon from the 8/10 Redplum insert to pay only .50 each. Someone commented previously that they didn't like the way the muffins were, but I loved them. We took two boxes with us on our trip and the kids and I all loved them. I found them to be very soft and moist and just delicious, so I bought two more boxes today!!
Alot of Meijer Organics products are on sale this week. We're trying to incorporate more organic products into our diet, so this was a great chance to get some different things to try out and see how we like them!
Well that's all I saw today, please share anything you've found as well!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Coupons - The Coupon Clippers & Coupons.com
We made it in, at dinner time this evening and I just finished emptying the email box and starting some laundry!! I don't have time to write about deals tonight (mainly because I haven't had a chance to find any!!), but I did have two tips to tell you about!
Tip 1
I just started ordering from this great website called The Coupon Clippers. I usually buy 6 to 10 newspapers a week, costing me 6 to 10 dollars and ending up with tons of coupons I never use and not as many of the ones I really want. Well I decided that I'd try only buying 1 or 2 newspapers (plus my parents save me an insert or two) so that I can have at least a few of all of the coupons and then order the ones I really wanted from the site. So far I have really enjoyed this service. I'm spending around the same 10 dollars every week and the coupons come clipped!! Maybe you'd like it too!!
Tip 2
Coupons.com has updated with new coupons. So go print out some great deals there!!
Thanks for all of your patience. Hoping to get back to normal soon!!!