Here's the Kroger Recap for the week of 9/8 - 9/14:
They are running a special where you buy 15 participating products and automatically get $3 off your order. This isn't the best deal, but there are a few good deals to be had with it. Here's what's included:
Old el Paso Products @ varying prices. Use the .55 off 2 coupon from the 8/10 General Mills insert. Plus many boxes of shells have a coupon attached for a free seasoning pack when you buy 2 other products. You can use the .55 off 2 and the free seasoning pack for 3 products and get a great deal!
Pillsbury Cookie Dough or Brownie Mix @ 2.50 each. Use the 1.00 off 2 coupon from the 7/13 Smartsource insert or the 8/10 General Mills insert.
Fiber One Granola Bars @ 2.19 each. Use the .50 off 1 coupon from the 8/10 General Mills insert.
Nature Valley Granola Bars @ 2.19 each. Use the .50 off 1 coupon from the 8/10 General Mills insert. Plus when you buy 5 of these you'll get a coupon for 3.50 off your next order!! Thanks MyPennyPile for the tip!!
Campbell's Chunky Soup @ 1.69. Use the .75 off 4 coupon from the 9/7 Smartsource insert.
Pillsbury Frozen Breads @ 2.49.
Toaster Streudels @ 2.00. Use the 1.00 off 2 from the 7/13 Smartsource or the .75 off 2 from the 8/10 General Mills insert. Or click here for .50 off 1 coupons.
Green Giant Bagged Vegetables @ 2.49. Use the .40 off 1 coupon from the 9/7 Smartsource insert.
V-8 Fusion Juice @ 2.99. Use the 1.00 off 1 coupon from the 7/13 Smartsource insert.
Hefty Trash Bags @ 5.99.
Ziploc Storage Bags @ 2.69. Use the .40 off 1 coupon from the 8/3 Smartsource insert.
Ziploc Zip'N Steam Bags @ 2.69. Use the .55 off 1 coupon from the 8/24 Smartsource insert.
Campbell's Select Harvest Soup @ 1.25 each. Use the .50 off 2 coupon from the 8/17 Smartsource insert.
Totino's Pizza Rolls 40ct @ 2.99 each. Use the 1.00 off 1 coupon found here.
Chex Mix @ 1.49 each. Use the 1.00 off 1 coupon found here.
Cottonelle 12ct Double Rolls or 24 ct Regular Rolls @ 6.59. Use the .50 off 1 coupon from the 8/24 Smartsource insert.
Scott 8ct Paper Towels @ 6.59. Use the 1.00 off 1 coupon from the 7/27 Smartsource insert.
Depend or Poise @ 11.99. Use the 3.00 off 2 coupon for the Depends from the 8/10 Smartsource, or use the 1.50 off 2 coupon for the Poise from the 8/10 Smartsource insert.
Kotex Pads, Liners or Tampons @ 2.50 each. Use the coupons from the 9/7 Smartsource insert (1.00 off 1 pads, 1.00 off 2 liners, 1.00 off 2 tampons).
Huggies Diapers Jumbo Packs @ 9.99. Load the 1.50 off 1 Supreme Pack here and use the 1.00 off 1 coupon from the 8/24 Smartsource insert.
Huggies Baby Wipes (184-232ct) @ 5.99 each. Use the .50 off 1 coupon from the 8/24 Smartsource insert.
Huggies Box of Diapers @ 21.99. Use the 1.00 off 1 coupon from the 8/24 Smartsource insert.
Prego Pasta Sauce @ 1.77 each.
Pillsbury Crescent or Cinnamon Rolls and Grands Biscuits @ 1.79 each. Use the coupons from the 7/13 Smartsource insert and the 8/10 General Mills insert. Or click here for even better coupons.
General Mills Cereal @ 2.00. Use the 1.00 off 3 coupon from the 8/10 General Mills insert or click here and here for several other coupons.
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks @ 2.00 each. Use the .50 off 2 coupon from the 8/10 General Mills insert or click here and here for more coupons.
Campbell's Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soups @ .60 each. Use the .40 off 4 coupon from the 9/7 Smartsource insert.
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish @ 1.50 each
Other Deals:
All Almay Cosmetics are 1/2 off. 1.00 off 1 from the 8/3 Smartsource to make some great deals with that.
All Revlon Cosmetics and Beauty Tools are also 1/2 off. Use the coupons from the 5/18, 7/20, 8/3 and 8/24 Smartsource inserts for great deals with those. (You can usually get free Beauty Tools during this sale and very cheap cosmetics!)
That's it for this week!! Have a great weekend!