Here it is!! My Kroger haul for today!! I ended up going to two
Krogers (only about 8 miles apart and since I only paid 1.86 for gas yesterday I could afford to visit two!!!) and did a total of 3 orders. They are doing a Mega Event where you get 5.00 off your order automatically when you buy 10 participating products. So basically you get an extra .50 off each item when you buy 10. You're allowed to do 3 sets per transaction which is 30 items. So I did a two orders with 30 items each and one order with 20 items for a total of 80 items. I also found a few other great deals as well. Go ahead and make your guess now as to how much all this cost me. I'll reveal the total at the end!!
First the freebies:
12 3L Ice Mountain Waters - free after sale and coupon (1.00 off 2)
10 Tylenol PM - free after sale and coupon (2.00 off 1)
2 Tylenol Rapid Release Gels - free after sale and coupon (2.00 off 1)
12 Quaker Oats - free after sale and coupon (.50 off 1)
4 Carnation
Evaporated Milks - free after sale and coupon (.50 off 2)
4 Colgate Toothpastes - free after sale and coupon (.75 off 1)
8 Bic Silky Touch Disposable Razors 10pk - free after sale and coupon (2.00 off 1)
*Not part of the Mega Event: 10 Mighty Dog Cans - free after get one free coupons and 1 Hamburger Helper - free after coupon found on box of Betty
Crocker Potatoes for a free Hamburger Helper when you buy 3 Potatoes.
Total Amount of Free Items = 63!!!
Second - Items under .50 after sale and coupon:
8 Dial Soaps - .40 each after sale and coupon (.30 off 1)
2 Swiss Miss Hot Chocolates - .25 each after
Shortcuts.com coupon (.50 off 2)
4 Betty
Crocker Potatoes - two .30 each and two .20 each after sale and coupon (.35 off 1 and .40 off 1
Total Amount of Under .50 Items = 14
Third - All the Rest!
4 Toaster
Streudels - .80 each after sale and coupon (.35 off 1)
4 Bags of Nestle Morsels - 1.00 each after sale and coupon (.50 off 1)
2 two packs of Duracell Batteries - 1.25 each after sale, paper coupon (.75 off 1) and
P&G E-coupon (.50 off 1).
2 5lb Bags of Domino Sugar - 1.00 each after sale and coupon (.50 off 1)
2 Tony's Pizza - 1.50 each after sale (no coupon).
*Not part of Mega Event - Kroger Saltines .97 and 1 gallon of Organic Milk for 1.00 (expires today) which I plan to make homemade yogurt with and probably some pudding!!
Total of These Items = 16
Total Amount of Items All Together is 93. Regular Price for all of these items would total 220.73 and I paid...........
$24.55!!! For a savings of 89%!!!!
Wow thank you Lord for such bountiful blessings, I am always amazed at how good you are to me!!!!
PS: Thank you too Kroger for running a great sale, I appreciate you!