..............your life is about to change!!!
After taking 6 tests (3 different brands!!), and getting all positives, I think it's official!! We're having another baby!!!
And so with that said, this will be the last post for Thrifty in the Cincy. I always find myself overwhelmed and I really want to try and not get that way anymore. So I'm letting a few things go, so I can truly put all my efforts into those things that are eternally important. In fact, I'm cutting my computer time down all together. I've let myself get wrapped up in it and I use any free time surfing the web, instead of completing something on my many to do lists.
I've found a few local blogs that I really follow now and I'm sure they'd love to have you over there as well. They are:
Nickels-N-Dimes and $5 Dinners. I know there are many other local bloggers, and please feel free to leave your link in the comments section. I think you'll be able to find what you need from those two blogs. Their great!!
And with that being said, thank you all so much for your time and kind comments. It's been fun!!
If you ever want to chat or ask a question, please feel free to email me at Jamie7987 @ aol.com
Thanks again!!